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Webinar: Signing Metadata and Discovery
2018-07-24 ~ 2018-07-24

Webinar: Signing Metadata and Discovery

Tuesday 24 July


This is the final federation webinar leading up to APAN46 in Auckland New Zealand. This webinar will cover the last two technical components 

required to get a basic Identity Federation up and running. That is:

·  signing federation Metadata to provide the technical trust in the federation

·  a central discovery service, a place where users select their organisation.

Register: Signing Metadata and Discovery
Date: Tuesday 24 July
Time: 2PM AEST see link for your local time: https://timeanddate.com/s/3jwr
Location: Zoom Webinar -  https://zoom.us/j/249576441
Cost: Free

A recording of the webinar will be made available on the Australian Access Federation's YouTube channel. 
See you all at APAN46, Auckland New Zealand.



Supported by: The webinar is brought to you by the Backfire Project an Asi@connect project and supported by the APAN Identity and Access Management Task Force.