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Workshop on Campus Network Design and Its Operation
2022-09-01 ~ 2022-09-05
ㅇ Event Title : Workshop on Campus Network Design and Its Operation

 When : 01~05 September, 2022

 Where : Bangladesh Development Society (BDS) Conference Hall, Barishal, Bangladesh 

 Organizer : ICT Cell in Association with Department of Computer Science and Information Technology (CSIT), 
                     Patuakhali Science and Technology University (PSTU)

 Detailed information about the event 
  - The workshop’s aim is to train the end level/newly involved (who provide the user level support) 42 personnel (Technicians/Assistant Network Engineer/Network Engineer/ Faculty members) regarding campus network. Through the achieved knowledge about campus network design as well as its operation and management, the participants will ensure quality service for their campus which will increase the utilization of BdREN/NREN services (Bandwidth, cloud, UDL etc.,) and ultimately increase the TEIN network utilization. It is a blended program mixing of physical and virtual participation. Instructor and local participants will attend physically and participants from overseas countries can join remotely through video conferencing. The monitoring team will coordinate trainees, instructors, training sessions, food and accommodation. The organizing team along with technical staff also monitors and coordinates hands-on materials, virtual sessions, and support to remote participants. For opening session, the honorable vice-chancellor of PSTU Dr. Swadesh Chandra Samanta will adorn as a Chief-Guest. The 5-day long training course will include all the major topics of campus network design and its operation. The participants will learn practically in hands-on session.  The training program will be followed by an Evaluation program to choose the successful candidates who will be awarded with the certificate. 
Facebook :  https://www.facebook.com/wcndio/