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[Results] The 5th Asi@Connect Meeting in Daejeon, Korea (18-22 Feb 2019)
The Asi@Connect partners gathered together in Daejeon, Korea, for the 5th Asi@Connect meeting during 18-22 February 2019. 

The 5th Asi@Connect Governor’s Meeting (19 February 2019) opened with welcome and greetings from R.S Mani, the chair of 
Asi@Connect Governors and representative of NKN(India).

In the Governors’ Meeting, Counsellor Mr. Jerome Pons, the head of cooperation of the Delegation of the European Union to Thailand, 
attended and addressed the importance of Asi@Connect project said; 

“Asi@Connect responds to key EU efforts in promoting regional integration in Asia and increasing the connectivity between two 
regions. This project promotes sustainable development in Asia and reinforces the linkage of R&E network in Europe and in Asia.”


                                        [R.S.Mani, Chair of Governors/Jerome Pons, Representative of the EU]

The Governors’ got updates about the Asi@Connect project progress in the matters of financial management, sub-project 
implementations, and TEIN network management. Also, there was a special report of the Asi@Connect NREN survey analysis, 
which had conducted last year (2018) targeting to Asi@Connect partners to understand each NREN and to accelerate collaborations 
among the partners. The GEANT also shared their know-how about GEANT annual compendium.

              [Jie An, Chair of Steering Committee/ByungKyu Kim, Executive Officer of TEIN*CC]



                                        [Mohammad Tawrit, BdREN/David West, GEANT]

The 5th Asi@Connect Project meeting was followed just after the governors meeting, and many of R&E community members showed 
their high interest on Asi@Connect activities. In the project meeting 10 projects among 29 Asi@Connect call awarded programmes 
shared their activities.  

* Asi@Connect activities presentations (click each title)

TEIN community meets twice a year for Asi@Connect Governors’ and Project Meeting in conjunction with APAN meeting. This Daejeon 
meeting was graciously hosted by KISTI who manages Korean Research Environment Open Network (KREONET).  

Our thanks go to all Asi@Connect partners, APAN and APAN47 host (KISTI). 
We promise to meet you all in Kula Lumpur, Malaysia on July 2019 for the 6th Asi@Connect meeting. 

Thank you for supporting to make successful Asi@Connect meeting in Daejeon, Korea.